

Operators in TorqueScript behave very similarly to operators in real world math and other programming languages. You should recognize quite a few of these from math classes you took in school, but with small syntactical changes. The rest of this section will explain the syntax and show a brief example, but we will cover these in depth in later guides.

Arithmetic Operators

These are your basic math ops.




$a * $b

Multiply $a and $b.



$a / $b

Divide $a by $b.



$a % $b

Remainder of $a divided by $b.



$a + $b

Add $a and $b.



$a - $b

Subtract $b from $a.



(post-fix only)


Increment $a.



(post-fix only)


Decrement $b.


++$a is illegal. The value of $a++ is that of the incremented variable: auto-increment is post-fix in syntax, but pre-increment in sematics (the variable is incremented, before the return value is calculated). This behavior is unlike that of C and C++.


--$b is illegal. The value of $a-- is that of the decremented variable: auto-decrement is post-fix in syntax, but pre-decrement in sematics (the variable is decremented, before the return value is calculated). This behavior is unlike that of C and C++.

Relational Operators

Used in comparing values and variables against each other.



Less than

$a < $b

1 if $a is less than $b


More than

$a > $b

1 if $a is greater than $b


Less than or Equal to

$a <= $b

1 if $a is less than or equal to $b


More than or Equal to

$a >= $b

1 if $a is greater than or equal to $b


Equal to

$a == $b

1 if $a is equal to $b


Not equal to

$a != $b

1 if $a is not equal to $b


Logical NOT


1 if $a is 0


Logical AND

$a && $b

1 if $a and $b are both non-zero


Logical OR

$a || $b

1 if either $a or $b is non-zero


String equal to

$c $= $d

1 if $c equal to $d.


String not equal to

$c !$= $d

1 if $c not equal to $d.

Bitwise Operators

Used for comparing and shifting bits.



Bitwise complement


flip bits 1 to 0 and 0 to 1


Bitwise AND

$a & $b

composite of elements where bits in same position are 1


Bitwise OR

$a | $b

composite of elements where bits 1 in either of the two elements


Bitwise XOR

$a ^ $b

composite of elements where bits in same position are opposite


Left Shift

$a << 3

element shifted left by 3 and padded with zeros


Right Shift

$a >> 3

element shifted right by 3 and padded with zeros

Assignment Operators

Used for setting the value of variables.




$a = $b;

Assign value of $b to $a


Assignment Operators

$a op= $b;

Equivalent to $a = $a op $b, where op can be any of: * / % + - & | ^ << >>


The value of an assignment is the value being assigned, so $a = $b = $c is legal.

String Operators

There are special values you can use to concatenate strings and variables. Concatenation refers to the joining of multiple values into a single variable. The following is the basic syntax:

"string 1" operation "string 2"

You can use string operators similarly to how you use mathematical operators (=, +, -, *). You have four operators at your disposal:



String concatenation

$c @ $d

Concatenates strings $c and $d into a single string. Numeric literals/variables convert to strings.


New Line

$c NL $d

Concatenates strings $c and $d into a single string separated by new-line. Such a string can be decomposed with getRecord()



$c TAB $d

Concatenates strings $c and $d into a single string separated by tab. Such a string can be decomposed with getField()



$c SPC $d

Concatenates strings $c and $d into a single string separated by space. Such a string can be decomposed with getWord()

Miscellaneous Operators

General programming operators.


? :


x ? y : z

Evaluates to y if x equal to 1, else evaluates to z


Array element


Synonymous with $a5

( )

Delimiting, Grouping

t2dGetMin(%a, %b)

if ( $a == $b )


Argument list for function call

Used with if, for, while, switch keywords

Control associativity in expressions


Compound statement

if (1) {$a = 1; $b = 2;}

function foo() {$a = 1;}

Delimit multiple statements, optional for if, else, for, while

Required for switch, datablock, new, function



t2dGetMin(%a, %b)


Delimiter for arguments




This definition of the onCollision() function is in the Item namespace


Field/Method selection



Select a console method or field


Single-line comment

// This is a comment

Used to comment out a single line of code

/* */

Multi-line comment

/*This is a a



Used to comment out multiple consecutive lines

/* opens the comment, and */ closes it


There is no “comma operator”, as defined in C/C++; $a = 1, $b = 2; is a parse error.

Last updated