
In Torque3D, SimGroup objects are used to organize and manage collections of other objects in the game engine. They act as containers for other objects, allowing developers to group objects together and manipulate them like an array.

What are SimGroup Objects?

SimGroup objects are special objects in Torque3D that act as a container for other objects. By creating a SimGroup object, developers can group together any number of other objects and manage them as a single entity. This allows for better organization of objects in the game engine and provides a convenient way to perform operations on groups of objects.

Using SimGroup Objects

To use a SimGroup object, you first need to create an instance of the SimGroup class, either through script or through the World Editor. Once you have a SimGroup object, you can then add other objects to it as child objects.

To add a child object to a SimGroup object, you can use the add method, as follows:


where %group is the SimGroup object and %childObject is the object you want to add as a child.

To remove a child object from a SimGroup, you can use the remove method, as follows:


where %group is the SimGroup object and %childObject is the child object you want to remove.

You can also use the clear method to remove all child objects from a SimGroup object:


Benefits of Using SimGroup Objects

Using SimGroup objects in Torque3D provides several benefits, including:

  • Improved organization of objects in the game engine.

  • The ability to manipulate groups of objects as a single entity, making it easier to perform operations on multiple objects at once via utility functions like callOnChildren().

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